2022 德州台灣生物科技協會 (Texas Taiwanese Biotechnology Association) 年會報名正式開始了! 睽違兩年再度回歸實體舉辦的年會將在德州時間 10/29(六) 和 10/30(日) 於達拉斯的UT Southwestern Medical Center舉行, 內容將聚焦於精準醫療與德州生技產業的現況與展望。

10/29/2022 (Sat) 10:00-18:00 Time zone: CDT

活動的第一天,我們邀請生物學部落客the biologist-紐約生分享自媒體時代下科學家們該如何活用社群資源來傳播與推廣科學新知。在下午的活動中,我們將請到目前任職於UT Health Science Center at San Antonio的Dr. Hui-Ming (Tim) Huang分享癌細胞如何透過與正常細胞融合躲過免疫系統的監測進而加速轉移。我們也請到了Kansas State University的Dr. Shih-Kang (Scott) Fan談談電微流體平台electromicrofluidic (EMF) platform於組織工程與體外診斷的應用。

第一天的職涯講座會有任職於Bristol Myers Squibb的Dr. Hung-Ying Lin以及在Pattern Bioscience的Dr. Chueh-Yu Wu分享轉換領域跑道時將面臨的挑戰。最後將由今日的五位講者和大家一起討論如何充分利用不同的職涯階段精進所需技能,提升自身實力。

10/30/2022 (Sun) 9:00-13:00 Time zone: CDT

活動的第二天,我們邀請到經營社群「台灣生醫科學家在美國」的Dr. Jason Lu分享他由化學/土木工程背景跨行進入生醫工程的研究經歷,以及決定從學界轉入業界的心路歷程。接著我們請來在Aetio Biotherapy擔任Chief Scientific Officer的Dr. Kuo-Fu Tseng以及現職於FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies的 Senior Scientist, Dr. Chen-Ming (Eric) Lin分享他們在精準醫療產業中分別就職於新創公司及生醫製程公司的不同經驗。活動的最後,我們將讓今日的三位講者和大家分享與討論如何爭取進入想就職的領域與公司以及在日後獲得升遷的機會。

擔心無法在2022 TTBA的年會建立人際網絡嗎?不用擔心,我們將在第一天(10/29)活動結束後進行會後餐敘,讓與會者及講者們相互認識!歡迎大家利用這次機會拓展人脈。


The 2022 TTBA Annual Symposium is open to register now (ho ray). After two years of virtual meetings, this year we’re finally back to in-person event! The 2022 Symposium will be held at UT Southwestern Medical Center in Dallas on 10/29 (Sat) from 10 am to 6 pm and on 10/30 (Sun) from 9 am to 1 pm (Central time). The theme of this year is “The current status and future prospects for Texas Biotechnology in Precision Medicine.” 

Day 1-This year’s symposium will kick off with a special talk from The Biologist, who is not only a Ph.D. candidate studying in immunology at NYU School of Medicine, but also a blogger and a content creator, active in various types of social media. He will elaborate on why the voice of scientists is indispensable in society, and how to make our opinions heard on social media. For our two keynote speech, we’re honored to have Dr. Hui-Ming (Tim) Huang from UT Health Science Center at San Antonio to talk about their novel discovery of a unique population of macrophages harboring prostate cancer cells' characteristics, enabling them to unnoticeably evade immune surveillance and intrude into distant organs. We will also invite Dr. Shih-Kang (Scott) Fan from Kansas State University to share the applications of in vitro diagnostics and tissue engineering on the electric microfluidic (EMF) platform. In the following session, Dr. Hung-Ying Lin, who is a Senior Scientist Translational Bioinformatics at Bristol Myers Squibb, and Dr. Chueh-Yu Wu in Pattern Bioscience, will share their experiences on career transitions. The first day will close with a panel discussion by all the speakers attending today on making the most of every career stage. 

Day 2-In the first session of the day, we are pleased to have Dr. Jason Lu, who is the content creator of “Taiwanese Biomedical Scientist in US'', to talk about why and how he decided to devote himself to the research of biomedical science from an engineering background, and why he chose to switch from academia to industry. We will also be having two speakers from the industry of precision medicine, Dr. Kuo-Fu Tseng, who is the Chief Scientific Officer of Aetio Biotherapy, and Dr. Eric Lin, who is a Senior Scientist in FUJIFILM Diosynth Biotechnologies. They will share their experiences on working in a start-up and a CDMO company.The symposium will close with another panel discussion by the three speakers mentioned above on how to get hired and move higher. 

We hope you will all benefit a lot from this symposium. And don’t worry that there’s not enough time to interact with the speakers during the meeting. We will have a networking dinner after the sessions on the first day, where we encourage participants to connect with both the speakers and fellow participants. Grab this chance to build up and expand your networks!

This symposium aims to direct various career paths in industry and academia so participants can be well prepared for the next stage. We look forward to seeing you at the event!